Mondo Neon Podcast
June 17, 2020
This episode of the “Mondo Neon Show” we're talking with artist and entrepreneur Mars Bravo from Signs from Mars about the beginning of her sign-making career, empowering business owners to make decisions, the importance of honoring your own identity, and so much more!
Neon Speaks Festival
October 3, 2020
SIGNS UNITED: Stories from the Road
6:45—8:00 pm PST Saturday October 3, 2020
Hit the road while you shelter in place and join this talented group in a video presentation of their journeys to document and preserve vintage signs. Signs United fosters a group of artists, enthusiasts and preservationists to not only spread the word about these beautiful these unique and historical pieces of art, but also spread the word that they are disappearing at a rapid pace. Come along for the ride and discover the Signs United community created by co-founders Will Hansen, Steve Spiegel, Mike Zack and Marla Zack.
Signs Unscripted Podcast
August 24, 2020
In this episode of Signs Unscripted, we explore life as a new sign company owner. Mars Bravo launched Signs From Mars just months before the pandemic started with a focus on signs for her contacts in the music industry. Learn about her pivot, how she attracts new customers and how she's made the challenge of 2020 work for her.